EMETA will do co-operation with international and national R&D activities. Key goal is to share visions and knowledge about Metaverse use cases, technology enablers (focus on connectivity, computing, digital twin, VR/AR/XR and block chain), proof-of-concepts and experimentation environments.
International activities:
- 6G-XR: https://www.6g-xr.eu/
- Hexa X II: https://hexa-x.eu/hexa-x-ii-the-second-phase-of-the-european-6g-flagship-initiative/
National activities:
- 5G/6G Test Network Finland: www.5gtnf.fi
- 6G Bridge program in Business Finland: https://www.businessfinland.fi/en/for-finnish-customers/services/programs/6g-bridge
- Radio Park Oulu: https://oulu.com/ictoulu/radiopark/
- Smart Campus Oulu: https://smartcampus.oulu.fi/manage
- Oulu Innovation Alliance: https://www.ouluinnovationalliance.fi